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Barracuda Email Security Gateway 600 Vx Virtual Appliance

Comprehensive Email Content Security for VMs

Barracuda NG Firewall

Barracuda Products
Email Security Gateway 600 Vx Series
Barracuda Email Security Gateway Virtual License 600 Subscription
List Price: £13,200.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Barracuda Email Security Gateway Virtual License 600 (with Per User License)
Our Price: Request a Quote

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Virtual BoxVirtual solutions are ideal for IT professionals who are looking for consolidation and cost savings. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is a comprehensive email security solution that blocks email-borne attacks, while also providing the extra features needed to ensure business continuity.

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is a virtual appliance with integrated cloud services based on the world's best selling email security hardware appliance. This easy-to-use VM scans inbound emails to protect against spam, virus, spoofing, phishing and spyware attacks while filtering outbound emails to prevent loss of data and reputation. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx also integrates cloud services for email filtering and email encryption - at no added cost. For advanced email security, ease-of-use and affordability, Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is the unrivaled solution.

The Barracuda Advantage

  • Free Cloud Protection Layer providing:
    - Email spooling up to 96 hours
    - Inbound email filtering
  • Barracuda Real-Time Protection
  • Outbound email filtering for DLP
  • Cloud-based encryption included free of charge
  • Configuration backup to the cloud
  • Preconfigured for quick deployment
  • No per-user or per-server fees

Product Spotlight

  • Industry-leading spam and virus defense for email
  • Protection from data loss and reputation damage
  • Advanced Threat Detection1 to protect against ransomware and other advanced threats
  • Advanced, granular policy management

Comprehensive Protection for the Long Term

Comprehensive Protection for the Long Term

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx includes spam and virus blocking, data protection, email continuity, DoS prevention, encryption, and policy management- combined to deliver a complete solution. As new requirements emerge, it is automatically updated with new capabilities to ensure continuous protection.

Complete Email Threat

Complete Email Threat Protection

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway provides multi-layer security, email continuity, and data leakage prevention. Advanced Threat Detection combines behavioral, heuristic, and sandboxing technologies to protect against zerohour, targeted attacks and ransomware.

Affordable and Easy to Use

Affordable and Easy to Use

Fast, easy set-up and simple, intuitive management keep time and resource needs low. The integration of the Barracuda Cloud Protection Layer and no per-user fees make it easy and very affordable to scale capacity as your business grows.

Inbound/Outbound Filtering and Data Leak Prevention

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx manages all inbound and outbound email traffic to protect organizations from email-borne threats and data leaks. As a complete email management solution, organizations can use the award-winning Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx to encrypt messages and leverage the cloud to spool email if mail servers become unavailable.

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is offered without per-user or per-feature fees, and is also available as a rack-mountable appliance.

Barracuda Cloud Protection Layer filters and spools inbound email traffic.

Barracuda Cloud Protection Layer filters and spools inbound email traffic.

Layered Security

Using 12 layers of advanced security technology, the Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is ideal for protecting virtual email servers against spam, malware, DoS attacks, and other threats. For data loss prevention, the Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx scans outbound emails and attachments to block exposure of sensitive data such as credit card and Social Security numbers. This VM also blocks outbound spam that would cause the email server to be blacklisted. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx integrates two cloud-based services at no added cost. One service filters email in the cloud stopping spam and viruses outside the virtual environment. It also ensures email delivery for up to 96 hours if the email server goes down. The other cloud service encrypts emails supporting secure communication and regulatory compliance.

Easy Management

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is easy to deploy, use and manage end-to-end. Administrators can remotely download and install these VMs in minutes. The intuitive web UI provides instant visibility into email activity and system performance while providing fast access to security features and reports that can be automated. Also automated are Barracuda Energize Updates that keep the Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx current with the latest security definitions and firmware.


The Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx is available in four editions handling up to 10,000 email users. Multiple Barracuda Email Security Gateways can be clustered for more capacity and high availability.

Barracuda Email Security Gateway Architecture


Barracuda Email Security Gateway
Protect Against Email-Borne Threats

Secure inbound email traffic against email-borne threats. With the Barracuda Email Security Gateway, protecting against inbound malware, spam, phishing, and Denial of Service attacks ensures that business productivity isn't impacted by attacks through the email system. Powerful and customizable policies enable further enforcement of detailed requirements that govern inbound email messages.

Key Features: Spam Protection, Virus Protection, Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Protection

Stop Threats Before They Hit the Network
Stop Threats Before They Hit the Network

Offload CPU-intensive tasks to the cloud, like antivirus and DDoS filtering, to reduce processing load on the appliance and ensure threats never reach the network perimeter. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is integrated with a cloud-based service that pre-filters email before delivery to the onsite Barracuda Email Security Gateway, which performs further inbound security checks and outbound filtering.

Key Features: Spam and Virus Pre-Filtering

Ensure Continuous Email Availability
Ensure Continuous Email Availability

Ensure that email is available even when mail servers fail. Because email is a critical vehicle by which today's businesses operate, a failure of the email server can significantly limit business operations. With the Cloud Protection Layer, bundled free of charge with the Barracuda Email Security Gateway, email is spooled for up to 96 hours, with an option to re-direct traffic to a secondary server.

Key Features: Email Spooling

Protect Sensitive Data

Protect Sensitive Data

Leverage powerful encryption technology to ensure sensitive data cannot be viewed by outside parties. Outbound filtering and quarantine capabilities ensure that every outbound email complies with corporate DLP policies.

Key Features: Encryption, Outbound Filtering

Simplify Email SecuritySimplify Email Security

Configurations on the Barracuda Email Security Gateway are simple and easy to deploy, ensuring customized email protection is in place in a matter of minutes. Day-to-day management is enhanced through cloud-based centralized management that is included without additional fees.

The affordable, all-inclusive pricing model requires no per-user fees, minimizing the investment in securing your email infrastructure.

Key Features: Cloud-Based Central Management, Simple Pricing


Spam Protection

With a long-standing heritage in spam protection, Barracuda Networks remains the leader in identifying and blocking spam. A comprehensive set of security layers ensures that organizations remain productive in the face of evolving threats.

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway leverages Barracuda Central to identify email from known spammers and determine whether domains embedded in email lead to known spam or malware domains. It leverages many of the same industry-leading techniques found in the Barracuda Email Security Gateway that protect against attempts to embed text inside images with the intent of hiding content from traditional spam filters.

Virus Protection

As virus attacks become more sophisticated and complex, email infrastructure requires advanced virus protection. The potential for the destruction and release of information, or the disruption of a network severely impacts productivity and can lead to financial loss.

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway scans email and incoming files using three powerful layers of virus scanning technology. It also decompresses archives for complete protection. Powerful virus definitions are automatically updated via Energize Updates to maintain the most up-to-date protection against email-borne viruses.

To provide protection from tainted internal email, a Microsoft Exchange Plug-In allows organizations to protect against the spread of viruses that don’t access the email gateway. The virus definitions are also regularly updated to ensure the latest protection.

Barracuda Central

All Barracuda products are supported by Barracuda Central, a 24x7 advanced security operations center that works continuously to monitor and block the latest Internet threats. Barracuda Central collects data from more than 150,000 collection points worldwide and analyzes it to develop defenses, rules, and signatures. As new threats emerge, Barracuda Central is quick to respond to early outbreaks and delivers the latest definitions through Barracuda Energize Updates. These updates require zero administration and ensure that the Barracuda Email Security Gateway provides comprehensive and accurate protection against the latest Internet threats.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Protection

Not every attack is focused on getting users to send their credit card number, getting users to click on a malicious link, or to plant a virus. Often, the objective of the attack is focused on disabling a network or mitigating its effectiveness. As a cloud-based service, the Barracuda Email Security Gateway is positioned to stop spammers before they overload an email server.

Email Spooling

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway ensures that email can still be delivered even during email server failures or loss of connectivity. In the event of on-premises disruptions, email can be spooled in the Cloud Protection Layer for up to 96 hours. An alternate destination can also be specified for delivery, if delivery to the primary destination fails.

During email server outages, the email for all mail servers is visible through the Cloud Protection Layer. From the message log, you can see the status of all spooled emails, and whether mail has been re-delivered.

Spam and Virus Pre-Filtering

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is integrated with a cloud-based service that pre-filters email before delivery to the on-site Barracuda Email Security Gateway. The Cloud Protection Layer is continuously updated with definitions in real time with updates from Barracuda Central. The elasticity of Barracuda’s global cloud infrastructure provides the flexibility to handle email surges during specific periods of the day and during Denial of Service attacks.

The Cloud Protection Layer ensures that an organization’s email security infrastructure scales with the increasing growth in email volume and attachment sizes; as well as the growth of companies. By leveraging the bandwidth and computing power of the CPL, organizations can easily scale their email security solution.


The Barracuda Email Security Gateway offers a number of encryption features. It is fully integrated with a cloud-based email encryption service for outbound email. Email that matches policy or are marked for encryption via the Barracuda Outlook Add-in are securely sent via TLS to the Barracuda Message Center.

The Barracuda Message Center uses AES with 256-bit keys to encrypt email. To encrypt email traffic between sites over the Internet, the Barracuda Email Security Gateway Message Transport Agent supports SMTP over TLS. This can be used between Barracuda Email Security Gateways or other email servers that support SMTP over TLS.

Outbound Filtering

Outbound filtering prevents organizations from being put on spam block lists and prevents sensitive data in email from leaving the organization. Employees can inadvertently cause internal systems to become a source for botnet spam. Using a subset of its defense layers, the Barracuda Email Security Gateway’s outbound filtering stops outbound spam and viruses. It also lets administrators enforce content polices for data loss prevention (DLP) and to meet other content standards in outgoing email. Predefined filters and custom policies can be used to detect sensitive data and block or encrypt email.

Cloud-Based Central Management

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is integrated with the Barracuda Cloud Control (BCC) web-based management portal, which leverages Barracuda’s global cloud infrastructure to enable organizations to centrally manage all their devices through a “single pane of glass” interface. Administrators gain a global view of all their devices or services as well as centrally manage policies and configuration. The simple interface makes it easy for small and medium-sized organizations to implement and manage the service with minimal IT overhead.

Simple Pricing

The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is delivered with all features and capabilities fully enabled. Inbound and outbound email filtering, encryption, and email continuity are all offered as a simple, all-inclusive subscription without any per-user fees. The Barracuda Cloud Control management portal is included free of charge.

Compare Editions:

The Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall Vx is available in many editions that can handle up to 10,000 email users with the included licenses for up to four CPU cores.

Model Comparison V100 V200 V300 V400 V600 V800 V900
Active email users 1-501 Up to 500 Up to 1,000 Up to 5,000 Up to 10,000 Up to 22,000 Up to 30,000
Number of CPU Cores Allowed 1 1 2 4 6 12 24
Outbound Filtering
Cloud Protection Layer
Email Encryption
Advanced Threat Detection*
MS Exchange/LDAP Accelerator
Per User Settings & Quarantine
Delegated Help Desk Role
Syslog Support
Clustering & Remote Clustering
Per Domain Settings
Single Sign-on
Customizable Branding
Per User Score Settings
Delegated Domain Administration

* Advanced Threat Detection (ATD) is available as an add-on subscription.
1 Limited to providing antispam and antivirus protection for up to 50 email addresses.

Technical Specs

Web Application Security
Comprehensive Protection

  • Spam and virus filtering
  • Cloud Protection Layer
  • Prevents spoofing, phishing, and malware
  • Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) protection
  • Directory harvest protection
  • Outbound email filtering

DLP & Reputation Loss
DLP & Reputation Loss

  • Maintain compliance
  • Prevents reputation loss and blacklisting
  • Pre-defined filters (e.g., HIPAA, credit card, and U.S. Social Security Numbers)

Advanced Policy Control
Advanced Policy Control

  • IP and content-based filtering
  • Bulk email categorization
  • Content encryption
  • Sender/recipient filtering
  • RBL and DNSBL support
  • Keyword blocking
  • Character-set blocking
  • Reverse DNS blocking
  • URL pattern and category blocking
  • TLS encryption policy
  • Secondary authentication

Sender Authentication
Sender Authentication

  • SPF and DomainKeys
  • Invalid bounce suppression

Spam Filter

  • Rate control
  • IP reputation analysis
  • Fingerprint and image analysis
  • Rules-based scoring algorithms

Virus Filter
Virus Filter

  • Triple-layer virus blocking
  • Integrated Exchange AV Agent
  • Decompression of archives
  • File type blocking
  • Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid
  • Advanced Threat Detection* to protect against ransomware, zero hour and targeted attacks.

System Features


  • Web-based interface
  • User account administration
  • Reports, graphs, and statistics
  • LDAP interface
  • Multiple domain support
  • Secure remote administration
  • Delegated domain administration
  • Delegated help desk role
  • Email spooling
  • Configure backup to cloud

End Users
End Users

  • User-based filtering
  • Individual spam scoring
  • Personal allow and block lists
  • End-user quarantine and digest emails
  • Outlook
  • Bayesian analysis

Hardware Features

Virtual Appliance
Virtual Appliance

  • Hardened OS
  • Seven models to choose from
  • Common hypervisor support including; VMware ESX and Workstation, Oracle VirtualBox, Citrix Xen, and Microsoft Hyper-V

Support Options

Barracuda Energize Updates
Barracuda Energize Updates

  • Standard technical support
  • Hourly spam definition updates
  • Barracuda Reputation Databases
  • Fingerprint and intent analysis definitions
  • Hourly virus definition updates


The screen-shots below illustrate deploying the Barracuda Virtual Appliance on a VMware ESX/ESXi hypervisor. Other deployment options are available. Please refer to the Setup Guide or contact Barracuda Networks.

status tab Connect to the VMware ESX/ESXi server from the vSphere client Statistics Tab Chose "Deploy OVF Template" and copy and paste the supplied URL.
Control » Server Screen Ensure the OVF details are accurate and click "Next" Barracuda NG SSL VPN Portal Read the End User License Agreement and indicate Acceptance
Control » Network Screen Specify a name for the OVF instance and click on "Next" Barracuda NG Personal Firewall Map the appropriate network in your virtualization inventory and click on Next
Config Tab The installation process for the Virtual Appliance will begin. This will take a few minutes. Barracuda NG Earth Screenshot 8: Once installed, Barracuda Networks Virtual Appliances appear in virtualization environments just like any other virtual server. Administrators can configure network settings through the virtualization environment's console interface and then complete setup and configuration through a familiar Web interface.

Barracuda Virtual Appliance FAQ:

What is a "virtual appliance"?

A virtual appliance is a software image designed to run inside a virtual machine. When deployed inside a virtualization platform, such as VMware, multiple virtual appliances can share the physical resources of a single host computer while remaining logically isolated from each other. Barracuda Networks currently offers virtual appliance versions of many of its popular hardware appliance solutions to leverage the benefits of virtualization.

What are the benefits of Barracuda Virtual Appliances?

Barracuda Virtual Appliances provide the same technology found in the Barracuda Networks hardware solutions and are ideal for enterprises that are standardizing hardware platforms or with existing virtual environments. Barracuda Virtual Appliances can be deployed on standard virtualization platforms and can co-exist with other virtual machines, thereby enabling optimal usage of hardware resources. As the organization grows, virtual appliances can be scaled for capacity without changing any hardware or software configurations. Also, virtual appliances can be easier to backup and restore using standard mechanisms for disaster recovery.

What are the System requirements to run the Barracuda Virtual Appliance?

Currently, Barracuda Virtual Appliances are supported on the following platforms

  • VMware ESX and ESXi ("vSphere Hypervisor") versions 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1
  • VMware ESX and ESXi version 3.5
  • VMware Server 2.0+
  • VMware Workstation 6.0+, Player 3.0+
  • VMware Fusion 3.0+
  • Sun/Oracle VirtualBox and VirtualBox OSE version 3.2
  • Citrix XenServer 5.5+

A minimum of 2 GB RAM per core and 60 GB available hard disk space is recommended. More information can be found in the README file available in the download package.

Are Barracuda Virtual Appliances as easy to deploy as the Barracuda Networks hardware appliances?

Yes. Barracuda Virtual Appliances are specifically designed for ease of deployment in new or existing virtualization environments. The virtual appliances are fully encapsulated with the virtual hardware configuration and the setup process is simple. Once the virtual appliance is installed, configuration and administration is through the same intuitive Web based user interface as that on the appliance. Instructions can be found in the online setup guides available as part of the download or under the Documentation section at

Do the Barracuda Virtual Appliances receive Energize Updates?

Yes. The Barracuda Networks Energize Updates subscription provides the latest security updates and is an essential part of purchasing either a Barracuda Networks hardware solution or a virtual appliance.

How does an administrator interact with a Barracuda Virtual Appliance?

Once deployed, Barracuda Virtual Appliances are administered through the same simple Web based user interface found on the hardware equivalents. This makes it very easy for administrators of Barracuda Networks hardware appliances to support Barracuda Virtual Appliances without learning a new usage model.

Can I make copies of my Barracuda Networks virtual appliance and deploy them for redundancy?

Every active instance of a Barracuda Virtual Appliance must be supplied a unique license token that is obtained during the process of requesting an evaluation. If you choose the ZIP deployment method, the same ZIP file can be used for multiple deployments, but each deployment must be provisioned with a unique token. Cold backups, snapshots, host migration and other backup or disaster recovery operations are fully supported.

Can I cluster a Barracuda Virtual Appliance with its hardware counterpart?

Yes. The "Linked Management" feature can be used to cluster a combination of Barracuda Virtual Appliances and hardware equivalents as appropriate.

What is an OVF template?

Open Virtualization Format (OVF) is a standard to package and distribute virtual machines. It is a portable, platform independent file format that is supported by several hypervisors. An OVF file encapsulates the complete specification of a virtual machine including all the virtual disks, virtual hardware configuration (CPU, memory, networking) and storage. Barracuda Virtual Appliances are distributed as OVF templates that facilitate quick provisioning with little or no manual intervention.

How do I update the firmware on a Barracuda Virtual Appliance?

New firmware releases will be available periodically and are included in the Energize Updates subscription. Once the virtual appliance is deployed, administrators can check for available firmware releases and upgrade as appropriate.

How are the Barracuda Virtual Appliances priced?

Barracuda Virtual Appliances do not involve any per user or setup fees. A Barracuda virtual appliance is licensed for a certain number of cores. As the organization grows, administrators can easily expand the capacity of these virtual appliances by licensing them for additional cores as needed without the overhead of provisioning any additional hardware or software.

How can I evaluate a Barracuda Virtual Appliance?

A 30-day evaluation copy of any Barracuda Virtual Appliance can be obtained by filling the evaluation request form online at This will generate an email with download and activation instructions.

Where can I get more information?

Please contact us!


Download the Barracuda Email Security Gateway Vx Datasheet (.PDF)

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Our Price: Request a Quote
Barracuda Advanced Threat Protection for Email Security Gateway Vx
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List Price: £480.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Barracuda Networks Premium Support for 600Vx
Please Note: Premium support on models 4X0 and below is available for customers who have purchased premium support on models 6X0 and above. Premium Support must be ordered WITH Instant Replacement for all hardware models. It may be purchased on virtual appliances without Instant Replacement purchase.
Barracuda Email Security Gateway Virtual License 600 Premium Support Subscription 1 Year
List Price: £2,280.00
Our Price: Request a Quote
Barracuda Subscription for Virtual 600
Barracuda Email Security Gateway Virtual License 600 Subscription 1 Year
List Price: £13,200.00
Our Price: Request a Quote