Secure Home Office Options
Secure and Reliable Access to Your Business From Anywhere.

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During this global crisis, organizations need to quickly shift office-based employees to working at home. IT professionals have to enable the required remote work while providing reliable and secure ways to connect home offices with enterprise applications. They are required to quickly roll out connectivity options across multiple platforms, prevent unauthorised access, enforce policies, provide multi-factor authentication and ensure always-on availability on a global level. Barracuda CloudGen Firewall with Advanced Remote Access can help.
Barracuda Advanced Remote Access subscription provides several options to meet the multiple levels of remote connectivity requirements for secure and reliable access to corporate resources and applications:
Contact us to download Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Vx virtual appliance!
The download includes all optional subscriptions, including Advanced Threat Protection, Malware Protection and Advanced Remote Access.
Deploying traditional remote connectivity solutions can be complex and cumbersome. In contrast, Barracuda SSL VPN and CudaLaunch clients are self-configuring and require no additional resources, other than the URL needed to establish the connection and the company credentials. CudaLaunch is available on the corresponding app stores for Microsoft, Google (Android) and Apple (macOS and iOS)